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Leslie Schofield Studio is driven by our mission of embracing the authenticity of each client by creating spaces that inspire and elevate everyday living. This informs every decision we make. Through our customized approach, we see every project as an opportunity to curate timeless, high-quality design.

We are passionate about building a team that honors this mission and is ready to be part of a culture that is positive, inclusive, collaborative, engaging and respectful.


Location: Salt Lake City, In-Office

Compensation: Annual Salary + Bi-Annual Bonus Structure + Benefits shown below

Salary: Commensurate with experience

Leslie Schofield Studio is hiring for a creative, experienced and self-motivated Senior Interior Designer. The Senior Designer will help lead a design team and also work directly with the Principal and Design Director who both have 20+ years of industry experience. Leslie Schofield Studio specializes in high end residential work. The majority of the projects are second and third homes in the Park City area.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Interior Design
  • Minimum 7-10 years’ experience in the interior design field, managing all aspects of a design project with at least 4 years in the high-end residential market
  • Exceptional skills in AutoCAD, Adobe Creative Suite (InDesign, Photoshop) and Revit
  • Strong knowledge and experience with Studio Designer (or similar program), Microsoft Office Suite and Google Suite
  • Experience and proficiency in the full design process including concept, schematic, design development and construction
  • Thorough knowledge of construction documentation
  • Ability to generate custom furniture and millwork drawings
  • Advanced understanding of architectural design and have the ability to multitask
  • Strong knowledge of luxury vendors
  • Proficiency in documentation, construction administration, procurement, and installation
  • Strong verbal and document presentation skills for clients, builders and consultants
  • Self-motivated with a strong work ethic, passion to learn and attention to detail
  • Ability to prioritize
  • Ability to accurately follow procedures
  • Articulate communication, both verbal and written
  • Comfortable and competent leading client presentations
  • Problem-solving skills dealing with clients, contractors, consultants and vendors


  • Open PTO
  • 11 Paid Holiday Days
  • Monthly Health Reimbursement after 90 days
  • Discretionary Bonuses after 1 year
  • Matching 401k after 90 days
  • Clean, gorgeous office space
  • Inclusive team culture and team activities

Location: Salt Lake City, In-Office

Compensation: Hourly Pay, Starting at $15

Are you passionate about interior design and eager to gain hands-on experience in a high-end luxury design firm? We are seeking a motivated Interior Design Intern to join the Leslie Schofield Studio team. This position offers valuable insight into the world of luxury interiors, providing opportunities to collaborate on prestigious projects and learn from experienced designers. As an intern, you will support various aspects of the design process while developing essential skills and industry knowledge.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Assist the design team as needed with conceptualizing and developing design solutions
  • Conduct research on materials, products, and design trends to support project development as needed
  • Organize design samples, and materials library
  • Manage documentation for easy access and reference
  • Errands, sample procurement and shipping
  • Inventory specialist for accessories
  • Assist on project installs, and set up for client meetings
  • General office clean up and upkeep

Skills Required:

  • A passionate interest in interior design
  • Familiar with AutoCAD and other design software.  Knowledge of Adobe InDesign, the Adobe Suite, Revit or other rendering software is a plus
  • Google suite, Dropbox proficiency 
  • Strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize tasks efficiently
  • Exceptional attention to detail in design concepts and documentation
  • Ability to work effectively both independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Enthusiasm, and a positive attitude
  • Able to go with the flow and be a chameleon, change direction in a moment’s notice
  • Must have a vehicle and valid drivers license


  • 11 office holidays
  • Flexible Hours
  • Clean, gorgeous office space
  • Inclusive team culture and team activities
  • Mileage reimbursement
  • Potential for full-time hire

If you think you may be a good fit, please send a resume and a digital portfolio to info@leslieschofieldstudio.com.