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Leslie Schofield

  /  LS Studio   /  Behind the Brand: Leslie’s Story

Behind the Brand: Leslie’s Story

From working by night at her family dining table to a sixteen person team, exceeding expectations.

Born in upstate New York, spending her childhood in rural Idaho and finding home in Salt Lake City, Utah as a teenager, Leslie Schofield has been designing for as long as she can remember.

As a child, she was designing clothes, decorating her bedroom, and was always the happiest when creating. Her mother was a designer, seamstress and prolific artist, who built a home where Leslie was always surrounded by the creative process.

In 2003, shortly after her youngest of four children was born, together Leslie and her husband, Jon, designed and built their own home. Leslie fell in love with the process of home design from the ground up. She loved every aspect of the process – selecting the finishes, creating custom designs, working with the trades and understanding how to stay within a budget. Their builder was so impressed with how Leslie designed and managed her project that he asked her to work for his company.

Leslie with her four children and niece going a site visit in 2004 at their home.
Foam models Jon and Leslie made with the architects drawings as they were building their home.

She spent the next year learning, designing and managing the design for multi-million dollar, high-end residential construction projects under the builders umbrella.

By 2005 Leslie was ready for the next chapter and embarked on her own, starting Leslie Schofield Design. She worked endless hours creating custom designs for her clients at the dining room table that was her office by day and the family dinner table by night. Over the years she expanded, bringing together a small team of designers, working out of a small home office, all a balancing act of raising teenagers and expanding her business.

Nearly twenty years later our team has grown, evolved, expanded and created a home in the Wasatch Front. Our offices, found in the Olympus Hills Shopping Mall house our current team of sixteen talented individuals who have brought their own histories, skill and expertise that make Leslie Schofield Studio what it is today.

Today, as we work on exciting, one of a kind projects with the most talented trades and wonderful clients Leslie Schofield Studio stands as an example of what can be achieved through hard work, determination, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As Leslie reflects on their journey thus far, they remain as passionate and driven as ever, eager to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation and making a positive, beautiful impact on the world.

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